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A Weekly Bit of Grace
Please visit gbctn.org to see what else may be going on
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Our Worship Location
Address: 1600 Zinc Plant Rd, Clarksville, TN 37040
Time: 10:30AM each Sunday
- Supper Six
New Supper Six groups will be forming soon to meet in August – September – October!
Please sign up by August 10, either by noting on the card, telling LaNette, or emailing her.
The purpose of Supper Six is to draw folks into a group that meets once a month, for three months, to share a meal together, with fellowship being the focus. This is a great way to get to know others at GBC whom you might not otherwise spend time with.
If you have questions or want to sign up for Supper Six, please see LaNette Chittenden or email her at blchittenden@gmail.com.
- Newsletter Editor
We are looking for someone to take over the Weekly Grace email newsletter (this one!). If you are interested, please email Cayla at caylawilkerson@gmail.com.
- Facebook Live
Pastor Mark shares from the Word on Tuesdays on the church’s FB page at 7 PM.
- Urban Ministries Food Distribution
The food distribution at Madison Street UMC will be held on the 4th Wednesday of each month from 2-7 PM. Two forms of ID are required: a photo idea and a piece of mail with your address showing you live in Montgomery County. Please pass this word on.
- A Time to Serve
Stay alert for opportunities to serve your neighbors. There are people in our body willing to help. If you know of a need, contact Pastor Mark.