Grace Bible Church is vitally involved in two countries, Zambia and India, and with two families, Dan and Shirley Carfrey and Jeff and Lou Ann Hawkins.
In Zambia Grace Bible Church supports the work of Hope Builders Ministries who partners with Zambian pastor/church planters. The mission there focuses on pastoral training, church planting and disciple making, especially in rural areas. Click here to view the 2014 Annual report from Hope Builders Ministries.
In India GBC partners with the ministry of Bishop Stephen Prasad the founder of Gospel to the Perishing Souls Ministry. GPS Ministry is also a pastoral training and church planting mission. They are also involved with meeting the needs of widows and orphans in their region of Andre Pradesh.
Grace Bible Church also partners with Dr. Daniel Carfrey serving on the faculty of the Appalachian Bible College. Dan is the founding pastor of Grace Bible Church. He and his wife Shirley came to the Clarksville, TN area in the summer of 1980 to start a Bible Church. In 1981 Grace Bible Church was born. In 1991 he and Shirley went to ABC and there continues his vibrant Bible teaching ministry training young men for pastoral ministry.
Jeff and Lou Ann Hawkins are members of the Grace Bible Church and serve with Hope Builders Ministries. Jeff is an executive board member and the Zambia Co-originator with this ministry since 2007.