Note: Small group information is in the process of being updated. If you are a small group leader and your group’s information is not yet posted here, please email gbctn2023@gmail.com
Monday Night Small Group
The Fearn small group meets at 6:30 PM every Monday night. Childcare is provided. For more information, please contact Collin Fearn by e-mail at collin@gbctn.org or by phone at (931) 624-9552.
Friday Night Small Group
The Chittenden small group meets at 6:30 Friday nights at the Wilkerson residence. Childcare is provided.
For more information or directions, please contact Robert or LaNette Chittenden. E-mail: blchittenden@gmail.com
Robert’s cell 931-542-8774; LaNette’s cell 931-436-0634.