The GBC Nursery can always use volunteers. Many hands make light work!
Please feel free to contact via e-mail or call with any suggestions, questions or concerns.
Sunday School
Our Sunday School services begin after Pastor Mark calls the children up to the front to teach them a short lesson. The littles are then dismissed to their classes downstairs. Our classes range from Pre-school through grade 4.
To find out more or to volunteer in the Sunday School ministry, please contact Tom Pritchard at (931) 905-6836 or e-mail tgpritchard@hotmail.com.
The Nursery is open from 10:15 to 12:30 for your convenience for ages birth to 2 years of age (with exceptions up to 3 years of age). We are located downstairs along with the children’s classrooms.
For parents and volunteers:
Christy Moore – GBC Nursery Coordinator
Email: cmoore.prov169@gmail.com
Cell: (931)-249-3766
Please feel free to contact me via email, call, or text with any suggestions, questions, or concerns!
Please help us serve you better
on the following matters:
- Please let us know a time frame for us to calm your crying child before we come to interrupt your worship time. Please note it on the sign in sheet.
- Please take an extra moment to sign your child into the nursery (sheet is located on the table by the door where your child is dropped off). It is okay to bring them in and then take the time to fill in the information.
- Please let us know if your child is potty training.
- Please let us know if your child has any allergies, especially food allergies.
- Please let us know if your child needs to be bottle fed or if you will be coming in to nurse during Nursery Time.
- Please label your child’s belongings:
- Diaper Bag
- Bottle or Sip Cup
- Special Items (blankets, food, medicine, etc.) if it will be used during Nursery Time.
- Coats or jackets during cold or inclement weather.
Looking forward to serving you and the babies of Grace!