In Zambia Grace Bible Church partners with Hope Builders Ministries supporting indigenous pastors and ministries. Indigenous missionaries know the language and culture because this is their lifelong home. They understand how to live on the economy of their country. There is no need to spend years “training” to be a missionary in one’s own country. Hope Builders Ministries focuses on training the pastors, providing a strategy for disciple making and church planting. Tools are also given to these disciple-making pastors, such as Bibles, training materials and bicycles. Grace Bible Church has the privilege of being involved with this growing ministry. In 2011, 700 new pastors began training in the three-year pastoral program. Each of these pastors will plant three new churches and train three new pastors in the next three years. That is 2100 NEW churches planted and 2100 NEW pastors in training. There will be thousands saved as they hear the Gospel in the days and years to come.

Located in the center of Sub-Sahara Africa, Zambia is the size of Texas (half the size of Europe) and the home of over 12 million souls speaking 72 different languages, landlocked by 7 other countries, and hungry for the Word of God. It is the home of the one of the 7 Wonders of the World, Victoria Falls, seen by David Livingstone on November 16, 1855, but known for thousands of years by the indigenous peoples as “Mosi-oa-tunya” – The Smoke That Thunders.
Zambia is a beautiful land filled with joy and sadness. The joy is seen in the Zambian smile, and the sadness is seen in the millions of “at risk” children, many of whom have no living parent. Six million souls are under the age of 17 in Zambia. Though Zambia is a self-proclaimed Christian nation, traditional religions, Islam, and numerous cults compete for their souls. All lead them to eternal death. Only Jesus Christ and His Gospel can give them eternal life.
Working together with Hope Builders Ministries, the goal is to “strategically saturate Zambia with Bible-believing churches who have trained pastors and members in discipleship by God’s Grace and to God’s Glory.”
The HUB Church planting model is the strategy used to saturate an area with Bible-believing churches with trained pastors. The Hub Church serves as the resource center for up to 40 pastors and will help make up to 10,000 disciples of Jesus Christ. Read more about this ministry at www.hbmin.org